New! I will be conducting a Delphi-sponsored Webinar for WORLDPAC on September 23rd and 24th. The Webinar will meet for two hours each night.

Tackling with Incomplete Readiness Flags and Monitor Tests 

This workshop is designed for the technician working with an MIL-commanded ON. Whether or not the technician is part of an emissions program, the commanded MIL means an emission failure has occurred. The technician is now working for the PCM. Failing to work for the PCM risks not satisfying the owner, missing monitor test blocking conditions, making unnecessary repairs, and increasing the chances of a comeback. 

  • Present a Driver Seat Diagnostic Approach to coping with incomplete monitor tests. 
  • Define the differences between a Readiness Flag and a Monitor Test. 
  • Define the difference between a Completion and a Condition and the frequency (Ratio) with which a Readiness Flag completes testing. 
  • The technician will learn to use MODE $09 (In-Use Performance Monitor Tracking and MODE $06 (Test Results) to identify difficult-to-run readiness flags/monitor tests.

This systematic approach will allow the technician to sit in the driver's seat with a scan tool and work smarter, not harder. Case studies will demonstrate this systematic approach.

When the signup link is available, it will be posted here. Please check back next month!